Ramp up.
An advanced athlete, by Cfdc's standards, would emerge from the assessment with a need to improve balance across movement patterns as well as energy systems (based on their goals). Additionally, it's been our experience that athletes with a 'high training age' also deserve, at best, time spent 'pre-habbing' faulty movement patterns and, at worst, rehabbing nagging inconsistencies that result in the management of pain.
John Smith has been
training for 10+ years at a functional fitness-type gym.
He came in with a high-level of gymnastic ability as well as a previous background in power sports and olympic lifting.
However, based on the advanced assessment set, we found that:
His 1 rep power clean was 160 kg, whereas this 1 rep close grip bench press was 130 kg. (From experience, we know that for the balanced fitness athlete we want to see a 1:1 ratio.)
Additionally, John has complained about instability in his left shoulder in pressing movements & we noticed a discrepancy as well in the testing of his weighted pull-up (was significantly less than his close grip bench press at BW of 90kg + only 20kg of added weight)
Our 'hypothetical' goal with John is to
improve balance across movement where there is an imbalance. Because of his training age, we would not expect him to drastically change in a matter of 21 days. However, we can take huge steps in the right direction
What you see below is
an example template where someone was more powerful than strong (i.e. power clean was > CGBP) and
also has a deficiency in pulling versus pushing (i.e. their bench press was > than there weighted Pull-up)
Lastly, you'll notice that instead of a 'buffet of movement" like we saw in the beginner example, this is one day focused on a specific movement. We, because of john's experience, will look to make the movements more redundant and intense-based versus complementary and volume based.
Workout 1
A) Weighted Strict Pronated Pull-up at a tempo of 3010; 5 x 6-8 repetitions with 80% of tested 1RM from previous assessment; rest 90 seconds between sets
B1) Prone Dumbbell Row at a tempo of 3112 x ARMAP (-1) x 4 sets; rest 60 seconds
B2) Barbell bent over row at a tempo of 3010 x 8-12 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 seconds
C) 1 arm Powell Raise at a tempo of 3010 x 8 reps x 4 sets at 20 lbs; rest 90 seconds
"Pull-focused Conditioning"
5 sets of:
25 Toes to bar
50 meter Reverse sled pull (w/100kg)
500 Meters at a pace of 1:40/500
-rest 2:1 vs work performed; look to improve pace every set
Workout 2
A) Close Grip Bench Press with 'accommodating resistance' via added chains (50lbs/side) at a tempo of 30X1; 5 sets x 7-9 reps with 80+% of tested 1RM from previous assessment; Rest 90"-2 mins per set; increase load as needed without compromising speed of concentric phase
B1) Tate Press with barbell at a tempo of 2020 x AMRAP (-1) x 4 sets; rest 60 seconds
B2) Weighted Straight bar dips with 10lbs additional weight at a tempo of 3010 x 10-12 reps x 4 sets; rest only 60 seconds
C) DB Ext rotations at a tempo of 3010 x 8 reps x 4 sets with 20 lbs; rest 90 seconds
"Push-focused Conditioning"
10 rounds of
5 kipping handstand pushups
10 meter Handstand walk
15 cal Flywheel Bike
Rest 1 min; Look for intra-set repeatability; every round > than 2 seconds different results in a penalty (penalty = 3 min Ring Support Hold)