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Cfdc Lifestyle.

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While we LOVE all things related to health + fitness (movement, nutrition, recovery) we admit that it doesn't mean much if you spend all your time in the gym. At Cfdc, we believe that your best life uses your fitness to improve the quality of the days you have here on earth.  


In the beginning years of your life at cfdc, much of it is getting acclimated to "the cfdc way", but at some point your fitness needs to converge with:


  • PLAY - you need to take this increased capacity and use it...for fun. You should be able to run circles around your own kids; don't have kids? You should be able to have the vitality and energy to explore, laugh & goof around with the best of them regardless of their age.


  • GET OUTDOORS - once a week, for goodness sakes. Go for a walk, ride your bike, You'd probably be better off without electronics too. 


  • LEARN SOMETHING NEW - sports are great! We have athletes that dabble in jiu-jitsu, sand volleyball, competitive ballroom dancing, and more! Even different training is awesome too. Once a year, go learn something new. 


  • GO ON AN ADVENTURE - once a year, embark on a new adventure. Go surfing in Costa Rica, go backcountry skiing in Jackson Hole, go sailing in the Caribbean, go meditate in Siberia - do something wild you never thought you could and use your fitness to make it happen.


Yes, you should be training 2-5 times a week. Yes, you should be consuming whole foods & keeping intakes to levels that support activity and not excess body fat, but don't forget to live life with us too. Not sure what fulfills you the most? We’ll teach you how to fit that into your life too.


Alright, enough researching...

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