At Cfdc, we create long-term programs each year that allows us to build upon foundational movements, systematically progress, and most importantly, create 'the notes on the page' in order to customize our athletes individual goals.
If you are just joining in on the conversation, we've recently finished up our 2nd of 4 phases and we saw some of the biggest delta's in improvement:
12-24 kilo improvements on bench were typical
17 athletes achieved their first pullups,
One athlete improved 55 kilos on their deadlift (that's over 100 lbs folks)
and more!
This next week we will jump right into the 'testing portion' of our 3rd phase followed by a brief deload.
Training priorities for the next 12 weeks
We will work-up to a challenging single. The split jerk is a wonderfully athletic movement that, if it were a recipe, would require the ingredients of shoulder stability, unilateral strength in the lower extremities and, what's called "a change of direction".
We have spent the previous 6 months progressing from a
split squat hold to rear foot elevated split squat with controlled decent to reverse lunge to walking lunge. In this progression, we've gone from increased control to decreased stability which we believe will set us up for success with the 'jumping and landing' portion of the movement
We will work up to a challenging single. The power clean is a movement that is 1 part deadlift +1 part front squat and totally awesome.
We have spent the previous 6 months progressing from a
goblet squat hold to goblet squat to front squat to back squat and, as a result, should more successfully be able to "catch" the clean in the 'quarter front squat' it requires
a good morning to a sumo deadlift to a snatch grip deadlift to a romanian deadlift to a traditional deadlift and are set up "nicely" to generate power from the ground.
The gymnastic rings provide a stability component that implicitly controls the volume and challenges the shoulder girdle in ways that are unrivaled. We will look to work to a challenging single in the dip.
We have spent the previous 6 months progressing from
powell raise to a single arm landmine press to a seated dumbbell strict press to a standing barbell press to a push press to a close grip bench press (phew) & we believe this foundation will allow us to better handle the challenge of the movement.
Single Leg Squat
While we won't have a test, per se, for this movement pattern, we will still see regular training for it. Unilateral squatting is always a priority (you know, as a species that walks) and through these next 12 weeks we will vary the position and seek to use the support leg (like the rear leg in a lunge) less and less.
Energy System
"Lleno de Sangre"
5 Sets for Max Reps:
•Max Unbroken Bench Press (BW)
•Max Unbroken Feet Elevated Ring Row
-rest as needed between sets-
This test is all about local muscular endurance and volume. We wanted to take the close grip bench press that we focused on last quarter and challenge the stamina of the movement. We paired it with a horizontal row that compliments but doesn't interfere with the pushing movement. We'll train in a way that seeks to improve our abilities to resist/manage fatigue in this upper body push/pull pairing.
"Live Oak Crippler"
For Time:
30 Back Squats @ BW
1000m Row
This test (Credit to friend of Cfdc, Kelly Starrett) is a classic 6-9 minute bout that leans heavily on the back squat work we've focused on recently as well as the 500 meter row time trial just recently completed. This tester beautifully combines the energy systems of strength, anaerobic endurance and lots of pain, WE MEAN, fun!
60 Second Bike Sprint
Pure, unadulterated power. Whereas the other testers imply some amount of pacing, this is all-out high wattage effort. As a result, we can retest to see how our inclusion of power clean, split jerk and high power energy system training influences this test!
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups
Just coming off of Diane and strict pullup work last quarter, we are positioned nicely to test this classic benchmark workout from Our goal will be to increase proficiency with each one of these gymnastic movements so that we might challenge the aerobic system more and strength less.
3 Min Max Double Unders
A new test for cfdc, we'll set the clock for 3 minutes to improve, not only the total number we can accumulate in 3 minutes but also the maximum number of reps without tripping!